Decoration traps teach you to jump out of traps

Renovation is not an easy task. Many people who have come through renovations have experienced large and small tricks. They all have a sad heart. "Free" designers will actually "pump water" from the decoration costs; decoration companies will use your handwriting to falsely report the area and lower the quotation; the construction team will cut corners and shoddy prices, waiting for you to find that the goods are not right on the board. People go to the building... Experts believe that the trap is digging there, but the consumer is not jumping or jumping. In the final analysis, it is how much he knows what to do and what he can do.

Question: Is free design credible?

Trap 1: Free Design Please Join

Experts answered: Wool is on the sheep. This is inevitable because designers must pay for their work. It's just different ways for everyone to use. Some of them are "little gentlemen after the villain," telling you directly that I need to receive a design fee because it is a link to intellectual property, and the other is to promise free, but from the decoration The loss is compensated during the construction process.

Free design is not conducive to the development of the industry. Tooling charges This is a code of conduct. There is no doubt that the procedure is very strict. It includes a series of construction drawings, design drawings, quotation lists, and so on. Home decoration is a self-funded decoration market, joint venture, collective, individual, etc. The trap is also everywhere.

Question: Why does the actual cost always exceed the budget?

Trap 2: False Report Area Depresses Quote

Experts replied: Up to 10% to 20% of profits in the renovation business are earned from false reports. There is a quotation for the design. This quotation will often be very ambiguous. For example, we calculate the paint in square meters. He first calculates the square meter, but in the end you pay it according to the actual construction area, which is obviously 300 square meters. In meters, he reported you 150 square meters.

After the individual price was negotiated, it was suggested that the industry mainly call the decoration company together with the construction team, measure the area size in person, write down what brand and amount of each material, and write it down as an attachment to the contract.

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