Please see the home appliance purchase skills Raiders

Please see the home appliance purchase skills Raiders

Nowadays it is home appliance sales season, people are flocking to home appliance stores to buy refrigerators, air conditioners, and quasi-owners who are eager to move into new homes are also accelerating their home. What are you most afraid of when buying large appliances such as LCD TVs, refrigerators, washing machines, and air conditioners? I believe many people will answer: First, to buy expensive, and second is fooled by fraud, the third is not good after-sales service. After all, the prices of big home appliances are not cheap now. If you don’t enjoy comfort when you buy them, you’re still guilty of doing so.

In fact, there is a pattern to follow if you want to buy the favorite home appliances. As long as you master the relevant skills, it is not impossible for buyers to become as enjoyable as home appliances.

1, before buying: more shopping, more to see, more questions

The art of war has clouds: knowing oneself and knowing oneself, fighting every battle. Although the buyers' electric products cannot be upgraded to strategic heights, the reason is the same. If you want to buy the right product at the most suitable price, the preparatory work is absolutely necessary. This preparation work is summed up as seven words: more shopping, more watching, more questions.

More visits: stores, online malls must visit

More visits, in fact, more shopping. Of course, today's online shopping is booming. It's not enough to just visit the store, but also to shop online.

For men who regard shopping as a chore, it is entirely possible to choose between off-duty or take a walk after a meal and take a look at the products they are interested in to enhance the impression – product impression and price trend. impression.

Shopping on the Internet is even more convenient. When we go to work, everyone can use the computer to access the Internet. When they go to work, they can go to those famous online shopping malls, but it is only a matter of time.

In addition, there are now some home appliance brands, in addition to Gome, Suning and other hypermarket sales, will also set up their own stores, such as Skyworth, Gree, Midea, etc., when everyone is strolling, do not ignore the store.

Of course, this kind of shopping is not a matter of passing sight and passing time. At the same time, we must also pay attention to our eyes.

Look more: see more prices and promotions

To see more, is to visit the store at the same time, more to the specific brand area, look at the product model and price, see more related promotions, promotions.

Why should we look at the product model more? This is because home appliance manufacturers tend to introduce special models for the purpose of preventing competition among supermarkets. These special models, performance may be different, but the function may be exactly the same!

Looking at it, we can deepen our understanding of the product itself, but also grasp the product price trend, mall promotions, etc., let us find out the law, select the most appropriate time, to the most appropriate store, buy the most suitable for their home appliances product. Of course, if you just look at it, it will help you understand the relevant information, but it is not enough. With your eyes, your mouth cannot be idle.

Ask more: ask more about product features and services

When we visit the store, we will certainly have the relevant salespersons, promoters, so we must not waste the opportunity to learn more about this product. Every time you enter a brand franchise area, you have to be very interested in the face of a product, so that sales staff will be more enthusiastic to introduce products for you. From the aspects of product performance, specifications, etc., we can also find some things that have different properties but the products themselves are the same.

Although most of the sales staff's introduction is that the Wangpo sells melons and sells her own boasts, our own mouth does not need to be idle, so I can ask the sales staff questions, ask questions about product performance, and ask questions about after-sales services. Of course, you can try to bargain on this, so that in the future when you really want to buy it, you know the actual selling price of it.

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