September 19 AMT Review LME Base Metals

The following is a daily review of metal trading published on September 19 by Amalgamated Metal Trading Limited (AMT), a leading brokerage of the London Metal Exchange (LME).

Copper: Not available.

Aluminum: Aluminum prices opened lower in early trading, driven by higher copper prices, and aluminum prices rebounded late.

Lead: Influenced by both sides, the lead market is overcast today. It is expected that the market will close above the moving average.

Zinc: The price of zinc hit a low of 1,335 U.S. dollars per metric ton and closed at above 1400 U.S. dollars per metric ton.

Tin: Tin prices rebounded slightly today. If the tin price rises to the level of 6600 U.S. dollars, investors will again short.

Nickel: Boosted by major base metals, nickel prices stabilized. The nickel resistance is expected to be 13800 USD.