Identifying the drawbacks of obsolete pesticides to eliminate phytotoxicity

Pesticides are usually used during the shelf life to ensure safety and effectiveness. Once the crops use pesticides that exceed the shelf life, they will not be able to cure diseases and insects. On the contrary, they will cause resistance to pests and diseases, delay the best period of pest control, bring difficulties to prevention or control, and prevent major diseases. It is to cause phytotoxicity of crops and cause irreparable consequences. Therefore, farmers must ban the use of expired pesticides .
First, the identification of pesticide failure has seven methods, one intuitive method. For powder pesticides, first look at the appearance of the drug. If it is obviously damp and agglomerated, the taste of the drug is not strong or has other odors, and it can be smashed into a group by hand, the drug basically fails; for the emulsion pesticide, the bottle is first placed, if the drug is The liquid is turbid or stratified (ie, oil-water separation), precipitate formation or flocculation, and the agent has failed.
2. Heating method. Suitable for powder pesticides. Take 5-10 grams of pesticides and heat them on a piece of metal. If a large amount of white smoke is produced, and there is a strong pungent smell, it means that the medicine is good. Otherwise, the description has expired.
3. Floating method. Suitable for wettable powder pesticides. First take 200 grams of water, then weigh 1 gram of pesticide, gently and evenly spread on the water, carefully observed. A pesticide that is wet and soluble in water within 1 minute is a non-failed pesticide, otherwise it is a failed pesticide.
4. Suspension method. Suitable for wettable powder pesticides. Take 30-50 grams of pesticides, put them in a glass container, first add a small amount of water to make a paste, then add 150-200 grams of water to mix well, let stand for 10 minutes to observe, the pesticides that have not failed are well soluble, suspended in the liquid. The powder is fine, the sedimentation rate is slow and the amount of sedimentation is small, and the pesticide is reversed.
5. Oscillation method. Applicable to emulsion pesticides. For pesticides with oily water layer, first shake the vial with force, and observe it after standing for 1 hour. If stratification still occurs, the agent has deteriorated.
6, hot melt method. Suitable for emulsion pesticides. Put the pesticide with the precipitate into the warm water (the water temperature should not be too high, preferably 50-60 ° C) for 1 hour. According to the China Pesticide Network , if the deep matter dissolves, it means that the agent has not been used, and the precipitate can be reused after it is dissolved; if the precipitate is difficult to dissolve or dissolve, it means that it has failed.
7. Dilution method. Suitable for emulsion pesticides. Take 50 grams of pesticide, put it in a glass bottle, add 150 grams of water, shake it vigorously and let it stand for 30 minutes. If the drug solution is uniform milky white and there is no oil slick on it, there is no precipitation under it, indicating that the drug is good. Otherwise, it is not a pesticide, the more the upper layer of oil, the worse the drug.
Second, the remaining pesticides are kept in good condition. Improper storage of the remaining pesticides will reduce the insecticidal effect and even cause phytotoxicity. Therefore, the pesticides purchased by farmers in the same year have not been used up, and they are ready for reuse next year. The following points should be made during the storage process:
1. Sealed and stored. Some pesticides are volatile and invalid, causing air pollution. When storing, the cap must be tightened and sealed.
2. Maintain the temperature. Most powder pesticides are susceptible to quality at elevated temperatures. The higher the temperature, the easier the pesticide will melt, decompose, volatilize, and even burn and explode. Some emulsion pesticides will also destroy their emulsification performance and reduce the efficacy after encountering high temperature. Some bottled liquid pesticides freeze when they encounter low temperature, form a block, or cause the bottle to burst. Keep the indoor temperature above 1 °C when storing such pesticides.
3. Protect from light. Some pesticides are afraid of light, and exposure to light for a long time will cause decomposition and deterioration of pesticides. Avoid high temperature and sun exposure during storage.
4. Keep dry. Powder pesticides and plant growth regulators are easy to absorb moisture and agglomerate. Therefore, the place where the pesticides are stored should be kept dry to prevent rain and snow. Also leave a window for ventilation and keep the humidity below 75%.
5. Avoid mixing. Pesticides are classified as alkaline, acidic and neutral. Alkaline pesticides include enemy scorpion, stone sulphur mixture, Bordeaux mixture, etc.; acidic pesticides include deltamethrin; neutral pesticides include gram sputum. These three different types of pesticides should be stored separately during storage and storage, and the distance should be kept above 0.5 meters. Otherwise, the pesticides will be deteriorated.
6, rigorous mixing. For the two pesticides that have not been used in the current year, they cannot be mixed in one bottle to avoid failure.
Third, the remaining pesticides are labeled. The remaining pesticides stored by the farmers must have a complete bottle sticker, and the words of the pesticide name, batch number, date of manufacture and shelf life should be clear. If the bottle is damaged, the farmer must write the shelf life and precautions for the pesticide and stick it on the outer packaging of the pesticide.

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