The mahogany furniture price plunge is rumored to remain bullish in the future

As the current mahogany furniture store with the largest business area in the Nanjing market, the "A Cong Mahogany" located in the A District of Shuimu Qinhuai just opened on December 5th. In just 3 days, the store sold 5 sets of mahogany furniture. The store manager Yang Jianxin pointed to a set of imitation Ming-style red rosewood tables and chairs and said, "This set of furniture was ordered by a customer on the opening day. The price is about 50,000 yuan. It will be delivered tomorrow."

Yang Jianxin also heard rumors of "price plunge", "This kind of news may have some impact on sales in the short term, but the mahogany furniture has not yet shown signs of a price drop. The price of materials alone is still rising." He breaks I made a calculation for Xiaobian: at the beginning of this year, the price of a ton of red rosewood was about 28,000 yuan. By the end of the year, the price had risen to 50,000 yuan. During the financial crisis, the minimum cost of red sandalwood was 300,000 yuan. I can buy one ton, and the current market price has soared to 1.2 million yuan ... Yang Jianxin said: "Generally speaking, the period from the National Day to the end of the year is the peak season for mahogany furniture. According to the information I know, some redwoods in Fujian The manufacturer's orders have been piled up in the second half of next year. "

Mr. Yao, the person in charge of a mahogany furniture store in Confucius Temple, told the editor that the shipment of mahogany furniture itself will not be very large. Most customers who choose to collect or invest have their own judgment. "Since the beginning of the year, the price of mahogany has been going up. Many consumers are optimistic about the appreciation potential of mahogany furniture. Last month, a customer spent 1.8 million yuan to buy a set of small leaf red sandalwood furniture. Before leaving, he said that the furniture can be home to resist inflation. "


Not only did not "diving", but still rising

Instructions for collecting mahogany furniture:

First look at the wood, second look at the craft

Experts said that the investment in the collection of mahogany furniture should pay attention to two aspects: one is the material, and the other is the craft.

In terms of materials, currently the most popular market is the "Four Flowering Dans": namely red sandalwood, Hainan Huanghua pear, Vietnam Huanghua pear and red rosewood. The price of red leaf sandalwood and Hainan Huanghua pear is relatively high, which is suitable for high-end collectors with strong purchasing power. For ordinary collectors, the price of red rosewood is relatively "civilian", and the recent rise is good, and the appreciation potential is great.

Like other artworks, you must pay attention to "anti-counterfeiting" when buying mahogany furniture. Yang Jianxin told the editor that mahogany manufacturers generally do not use non-mahogany raw materials to pretend, but there are many "mixed white skins" in furniture. "White leather smeared furniture" has attracted the attention of all parties. "White skin" is the jargon of the mahogany world, also known as "sapwood", which refers to the white part of the outer ring of wood. "White skin" has a low density, low resistance to pressure, and is easy to be moth-eaten, which will affect the firmness and service life of furniture. Generally speaking, the proportion of "white skin" in mahogany furniture cannot exceed 5%. If it reaches or exceeds 10%, it is regarded as a "fake product". To this end, experts particularly remind consumers not to buy "paint goods" when buying mahogany furniture. Because the surface of the furniture is painted, it will cover up the "white skin" and other defects, making it impossible to identify the quality of the wood, and it will destroy the original environmental protection of the mahogany furniture.

In terms of craftsmanship, it mainly depends on the shape, carving and decoration of mahogany furniture. In general, traditional mahogany furniture should have the following characteristics: solemn and elegant modeling, fine and smooth carvings, in line with China's traditional aesthetic taste, so as to give a set of mahogany furniture artistic value in addition to materials.

Anecdotal analysis: intends to suppress the "bottom bargaining" of stocks

After many interviews, the editor found that the recent market price of mahogany furniture has not fluctuated greatly. Whether it is mahogany raw materials or finished products, the prices are steadily increasing. That being the case, where did the "price collapse theory" come from?

According to the official explanation of the Mahogany Furniture Industry Association, the "80 million yuan set of mahogany furniture" mentioned in the "price plunge" report is not the same set of furniture as the price of 600,000 yuan. The former is a large-scale art carving furniture "Masterpieces" produced by a company in Hong Kong that lasted 8 years, costing hundreds of tons of wood, and won the "Gold Prize of Chinese Arts and Crafts Cultural Creativity" awarded by the Ministry of Culture. The set of furniture that can be bought for 600,000 yuan is a "great product" made by Vietnamese manufacturers. Both the materials and the craftsmanship are not on the same level.

An industry insider who did not wish to be named told the editor that there had been situations when Hainan Huanghuali prices soared: related interest groups deliberately released some information in order to suppress the market situation of mahogany furniture, and then took the opportunity to "undercut" and hoard materials Or finished product.

Scarce raw materials: mahogany furniture is still bullish in the future

"The scarcity of raw materials determines that mahogany furniture will not only plummet, but will continue to rise." Yang Jianxin said that mahogany, like Hetian seed jade, is a scarce resource. According to the relevant regulations of the State Technical Supervision Bureau, mahogany furniture mainly refers to furniture made of rosewood, rosewood, ebony, rosewood, and chicken wings. In addition to the hard texture and fine texture, these precious woods also have a common feature, that is, it takes a long time to complete the wood. For example, it takes about 80 years for Huanghuali wood to become wood, while red sandalwood grows for hundreds of years.

However, industry insiders also pointed out that Redwood Investment is not a profitable business, and consumers should also pay attention to avoid risks when buying. "The prices of mahogany raw materials have skyrocketed in recent years, and the prices of some hardwoods that are bordered by national standards have also been fired. You should be cautious about buying such mahogany furniture. Once the market fluctuates, you may dive sharply." The person pointed out that, like African rosewood, The storage of raw materials such as wenge and other mahogany materials is relatively large, and the rareness is also quite different from that of Pterocarpus lobata and Hainan Huanghua pear. The practical value should be considered when purchasing.

Take the “superior” Hainan Huanghua pear in the mahogany as an example. Due to the massive felling since the Ming Dynasty, the “Haihuang” that has been grown has been exhausted as early as the Qing Dynasty. At present, almost all the Huanghua pears used in China are from Southeast Asia and South China. Imported from America and Africa. In addition, red sandalwood from India is extremely scarce. Based on the current market demand, the raw materials of huanghua pear wood in the world will be exhausted in 5 years, and Southeast Asia, Africa and other countries are gradually implementing export bans on their own mahogany raw materials. In the future, there will be an increasing shortage of domestic mahogany raw materials.
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